Mi primera semana en la univerisdad
On Monday, I went to my university (Universidad San Francisco de Quito) down here for my orientation. The campus is very beautiful and sits to the north of
And on another note before I begin my weekly summary, I am really lucky and happy to say that I will be living with Ruby's family, the Pozos, now for the entire summer. After being there for the previous week and enjoying it so much, the Pozos asked me if I wanted to live with them. I was easily able to work everything out the change with the university.
I will have classes from Monday til Thursday each week. For the first time in my college career, I will have a day off with 3-day weekends. My classes are Espanol Intermedio, Espanol Conversacion, and an art (drawing) class.
My day begins pretty early since my classes start at
My classes are 1 hour and 30 minutes -- with a 1 hour and 30 minute break, I get done at 2:30 and go home to eat lunch and do homework. Don’t worry though, I eat some lunch at the university. Dinner, like lunch is pretty late -- it can vary from
So I guess that is the boring version of what my typical day is. I just wish I could take some pictures of the university and the bus ride ... both are sights to see.
Over the holiday weekend (we too had a holiday here -- On May 24 was the Battle of Pichincha in which a decisive battle in
At the Northern Face, we drove a ways up dirt road surrounded by the land littered with big chunks of volcanic rock and parked the car.... our goal was to get to the shelter at 4800 meters (about 15748 feet). It really was not that far, but we were walking up loose dirt and going against a very strong wind at times probably gusting over 40 mph which carried ice pellets and snow from clouds that passed by. I would say it was in the 30's on the mountain and at the lake at the base of the mountain it was probably in the 60's with sunshine. And of course, the altitude did not make anything easier. Below are some pictures of our Sunday trip.

On our way to Cotopaxi, we stoped for breakfast (we left really early). It was a restaurant with lots of food fromt their farm. You can see all our juices in the background which is extremely common and you can see my fresh from the cow milk.

About halfway up to the shelter, which is in the background (Marifer, Fernadito, and I)

A view of the valley below

We came across a wolf at the shelter.

Finally at the top... I was pretty tired but all the chocolate I had helped a lot with the altitude. I was really surprised that the Fernadito made not only because of his age, but because he is really sensitive to the cold.

At the shelter, we enjoyed some hot tea and soup.

A view of shelter on the way down when some clouds we over the mountain

We stopped for a picture on our way out and the whole mountain cleared up. Our shelter was about 30 min from the snow line.

A picture with everyone... Anthony, Rosita, Fernado, Fernadito, Marifer, and David.

A picture in the courtyard of the hosteleria. It was very beautiful.

Not only did the hosteleria have a restaurant which we ate at, but a Church.

On our way back, I was trying to take some pictures of the city... here is one

Another picture of the South side of the Quito which has more poverty than the north... As I was taking the picture, I happened to capture the police car in the background.